Emergency Answering Service
Contact us today to learn more about our services, at 888-365-2424.
Urgent and Emergency Dispatch Services
When your callers are experiencing an emergency, they need help right away.
These types of calls have to be answered quickly regardless of time of day or night. Callers want to speak with a live person and not land in your voicemail.
Whether your business provides services such as plumbing, HVAC, security, healthcare, or property management, our professionally certified call agents will gather the required information and dispatch emergency calls to your on-call personnel for immediate response.

Why it works.
People expect rapid and responsive service especially in the case of an emergency. If you’re not available, we are always here to answer your calls. Direct Line can be a seamless extension of your office so when an emergency call comes in, you can rest assured your callers are taken care of. Professional representation, effective message dispatching and urgent call handling are just some of the services we do best.
Our Two-Way texting service makes it easy for your on-call personnel to confirm message receipt.
We ensure urgent messages are instantly dispatched to your on-call staff.
Our call agents will be able to filter out routine calls from real emergencies.
Your Voice of Excellence.
California’s Most Awarded Emergency Answering Service.
How it works.
Create Custom Script
We will work with you to customize your call scripts so we can filter routine calls vs. emergency ones.
Forward Your Calls
Our professionally certified call agents a ready to take your calls 24/7.
Instant Dispatch Delivery
Urgent and emergency calls are instantly dispatched to an on-call technician or group of people.

Message Dispatching Service and Urgent Call Handling
Multiple Award-Winning Emergency Dispatch Answering Service
Our award-winning emergency answering services ensure that your callers are assisted promptly and responsively by a knowledgeable and compassionate voice on the other end.
Our call agents are specifically trained to ensure your caller knows that their concern is a top priority.
As our call agent follows your custom script, they are be able to determine if the call is a true emergency or if it is a routine call that can wait until the next business day to be addressed.
This saves you time and money and prevents an unnecessary dispatch to your on-call technician.
Two-Way Texting Service and Capabilities
There are many benefits to using our Emergency Dispatcher service especially when coupled with Two-Way Texting.
Not only will your callers speak to a live person, their urgent message will be immediately dispatched to your on-call provider.
Utilizing our Two-Way Texting service, we’ll be able to text the information to your on-call staff.
They’ll be able to respond via text to confirm receipt which will save time and money.
We’ll also be able to email you the dispatch log which will show you who we reached, who responded and at what time.
Your Voice of Excellence.
California’s Most Awarded Answering Service and Call Center.
Emergency Circumstances Require Rapid Response.
Enlist the support of Direct Line’s Urgent-Emergency Dispatch and Two Way Texting services and rest assured that the correct individual(s) from your company will be reached when your callers have urgent needs.
Be sure to ask about our free web portal too and see how easy it is to update your on-call schedules in real-time. That way we are always dispatching to the correct individual at any given time.
"The Direct Line team went above and beyond service delivery expectations, answering a heightened call volume, adjusting call scripts as needed and taking nonstandard directions on where to direct calls. All of this was done in a professional manner, providing callers excellent customer service."
Steve H. | American Red Cross Bay Area