Enhanced Voicemail
Enhanced Voicemail is a bit like the voicemail you currently use, but even better.
Your mailbox gets its own local number, and you can collect all your messages in a single place.
You can forward multiple lines – your business phone, your cell phone, your home phone, etc. – to one number.

Why it works.
By consolidating your voicemail into one box, you reduce clerical work. Gone will be the days of juggling multiple passwords to get your messages. When you extrapolate the time saved over months or years, it can be significant. You can get back a full day or two of productivity per year just by making the shift to Enhanced Voicemail.
Whether you’re available or not, never miss another call, no matter what time of day or night.
Get professional live telephone answering support without increasing labor costs.
Increase your competitive edge by having your business virtually available around the clock.
Your Voice of Excellence.
California’s Most Awarded Answering Service and Call Center.
How it works.
Unique Phone Number
We provide you with a phone number that you may publish or forward an existing phone number to.
Create Custom Greeting
We can record your custom greeting for you or you may record a custom greeting.
Instant Message Delivery
Recordings of messages left can be emailed to you or you may call in to check your voicemail.

Benefits of Enhanced Voicemail
Enhanced Voicemail Features With Many Exciting Elements
You can customize your greeting and receive time and date stamping for all messages.
Take advantage of Caller ID to decide whether to listen to a person’s message or skip it.
Our voicemail system can also send messages to your computer via MP3 files. This is ideal if you want to catalog and store calls from employees, vendors, or clients or stay connected in a remote area. Instead of having to call to check your messages, you can just flip through your email box.
Enhanced voicemail can also be set up to notify you when incoming messages show up and alert you via email, text, or phone.
Custom Solutions To Support Your Needs
The “mailing list” feature lets you send messages to colleagues, vendors, and clients simultaneously.
This system allows for 90 different lists, so you can broadcast to key groups of people (such as your internal team, clients, or sales staff, etc).
You can also transfer messages to colleagues and associates – with your comments.
You can forward that panicked vendor call to your VP of Marketing, for instance, and avoid long, unproductive games of phone tag.
Our enhanced voicemail system also allows you to prioritize and schedule messages to classify them as urgent, normal, or “for future delivery.”
Your Voice of Excellence.
California’s Most Awarded Answering Service and Call Center.
We have utilized Direct Line for, I believe, 3-5 years now. I have NEVER had a client complain, stating “the hold time was too long” or “they weren’t nice to me.” Thank you for being there to help us. Our agency loves Direct Line and will continue to be your client until we retire.”
Devecia V. | Farmers Insurance Agency Owner